Authentic Professional Learning: Creating Faculty Development Experiences through an Assessment Institute



faculty development, transformative learning, self-directed learning, professional development


This case study analyses experiences of participants in an Assessment Institute (AI) for faculty development on ePortfolio. In earlier research on the AI, findings showed that focused faculty development increased instructor confidence in teaching and learning with ePortfolio. The present study expanded the initial research by including participant data from a second session of the AI, and exploring the research through a qualitative lens using transformative learning as the framework. Strong support for the use of dialogue and critical reflection in faculty development were found during the research. Our findings suggest that professional development environments that encourage transformative learning by means of discussion, sharing of different perspectives, and reflections on implementation and best practices, yield positive results. These factors can inform researchers and practitioners interested in structuring similar faculty development initiatives in the higher education environment.       

Author Biographies

Leslie A Cordie, Auburn University

Leslie Cordie is an Assistant Professor at Auburn University. She has over 25+ years combined interdisciplinary experiences across many organizations, including higher ed, healthcare and industry. Her background includes online learning, adult education, faculty/professional development, instructional design, and program development. Cordie holds a PhD in Education, with specializations in distance learning, adult learning theory, technical writing, instructional design and curriculum development. Cordie also holds a MBA, and her professional experience includes positions with the airline industry, the US Air Force, and public health.

Lucas Adelino

Lucas Adelino is an educator. He holds a Master of Science degree in Adult Education by Auburn University. For two years, Lucas served as a program assistant at Auburn University's University Writing initiative, facilitating workshops and helping run a wide range of student programs.


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