Translanguaging Usage and Perceptions in Higher Education: Towards Inclusionary Pedagogy and Transformative Learning


  • Laura Wyper Algoma University


translanguaging, transformative learning, equity in education, adult education pedagogy,


This paper discusses how translanguaging has often historically been thought of as a form of linguistic processing in language acquisition programs (Mazak & Carroll, 2017) and the more recent move to use it as a teaching strategy that increases equity and levels the power of voice and participation in the classroom (Creese & Blackledge, 2010 & 2015). This paper describes a qualitative research project that surveyed teaching faculty and students at a local university about their translanguaging strategies and usage. This research is meant to increase understandings of translanguaging usage and perceptions to advance excellence in adult education pedagogical approaches, concentrating on strategies to increase equity in education, as well as how it can lead to transformative learning.

Author Biography

Laura Wyper, Algoma University

Laura Wyper is an Assistant Professor in the Community Economic and Social Development Department at Algoma University. She is a Board member for Slow Food in Canada as the Liaison for the Ark of Taste. She is a long-standing food activist and a faculty member for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council's (SSHRC) 'Lake Superior Living Labs Network' at the Eastern Hub at Algoma University.



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