Transformational Learning: A Literature Review and Call Forward


  • Joseph DeSapio Boise State University


Transformational Learning, Transformative Education, Mezirow, Literature Review, Critique, Critical Reflection, Identity, Practice, Spirituality, Story, Justice, Equality, Race.


A gap exists within transformational learning theory between theoretical construct and practical application. Recent critical literature of transformational learning theory is marked by four trends related to this problem: alternative conceptions, the target area, identity, and a lack of practical discussion of applied theory. A survey of transformational learning theory’s origins, as well as recent trends in critical literature, demonstrate a bridging of the gap, yet not entirely. Suggestions are made for further study in attempt to close the gap entirely.

Keywords: Transformational Learning, Transformative Education, Mezirow, Literature Review, Critique, Critical Reflection, Identity, Practice, Spirituality, Story, Justice, Equality, Race.

Author Biography

Joseph DeSapio, Boise State University

Joe is  a professional learning and development consultant who has partnered with Fortune500 from many industries including some of the world's largest healthcare, cable, and retail organizations.

His academic and professional work focuses on human-centered design that creates transformational learning experiences in the workplace and society. 

Joe holds an M.A. In Theology from Covenant Theological Seminary and is expected to complete an M.S. in Organizational Performance and Workplace Learning from Boise State University in 2018.


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