Reflections on Productive Discomfort and The Right Amount of Confusion, Frustration and Success


  • Jace Hargis NYU SHANGHAI


Reflective Metacognition, Active Teaching Methods, Formative Self-Assessment, Student-Narrative Feedback


The primary goal of this research was to demonstrate how the instructor’s reflective metacognition can act as a powerful tool for real-time course modification as well as an effective means for reevaluating longitudinal data of students’ feedback for the course. Key to this approach was timely, frequent documentation based on a set of insightful prompts, which elicited deeper contemplation, rather than placing a superficial judgment whether we or the students believe the class session went well. By collecting additional qualitative data, such as midterm student perception surveys and final student evaluation of teaching (SETs), particularly the student narrative feedback, we were able to triangulate the data, creating areas of agreement and outlier data. Ultimately, we found that by using several data collection instruments for reflection of teaching and being serious about entering the data on a regular basis, we were able to collect and make sense of the methods that worked well in the course and be better prepared to redesign our course for the next term. Longitudinal data of students' perceptions three months following the course indicated they still (1) are using course specific terminology; (2) are sharing the major course themes with others; and (3) can articulate central ideas.

Author Biographies


Dr. Jing WANG is a Global Perspectives on Society fellow at NYU Shanghai. Before moving to Shanghai, she was a visiting scholar in the Anthropology Department at University of Pennsylvania. She has earned a PhD in Social/Cultural Anthropology from Rice University. Dr. Wang’s research focuses on multiculturalism, memory politics, media ecology, Muslims in China, Chinese diasporas, and globalization. For more information, please visit her website.


Dr. Jace HARGIS is currently a Professor and Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at NYU, Shanghai. His prior positions include a Professor and Associate Provost in Hawaii; a College Director in Abu Dhabi, UAE; an Associate Professor and Assistant Provost in northern California; and an Assistant Professor and Director of Faculty Development in Florida. He has authored a textbook, an anthology and published over 150 academic articles as well as offered hundreds of academic presentations. He has earned a BS in Oceanography from Florida Institute of Technology; an MS in Environmental Engineering Sciences and a PhD in Science Education from the University of Florida. Dr. Hargis' research focuses on how people learn while integrating relevant instructional technologies. For more information, please visit his website.


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