Transformative Learning through Undergraduate Research in Short-term Study Abroad programs


  • Tsu-Ming Chiang Georgia College & State University


Transformative Learning, Study Abroad, Undergraduate Research


As the world becomes increasingly interconnected in the 21st century, it is crucial to teach college students how to acquire cultural competence as global citizens. Learning through study abroad involves total immersion and active engagement in understanding other cultures and people. It challenges individuals’ ethnocentric beliefs and habitual frames of reference to foster inclusive and global perspectives as transformative learners (Mezirow, 1997). Furthermore, even in short-term study abroad programs, through intentional planning, faculty may embed multiple high impact educational learning experiences in their courses. Collaboration with a foreign university can further enhance students’ cultural knowledge by creating peer interactions in and outside of classes. We describe specifics of peer interactions later in this paper. This teaching note introduces a teaching pedagogy and strategies of mentoring undergraduate research through study abroad classes.


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