Can the Development of CQ be Transformative?


  • Sherry Kennedy-Reid The Boeing Company


studying abroad, , working abroad, cultural intelligence, transformative learning


Globalization requires students and employees to adapt to an ever-increasing range of diverse cultures and responsibilities, yet methods of training may fall short. To truly shift to a global mindset, transformative learning may be required. This paper uses a personal case study methodology to analyze how the development of cultural intelligence (CQ) may have prompted transformative learning as a student and career professional. Exploring this connection has implications for theory, research and practice. 

Author Biography

Sherry Kennedy-Reid, The Boeing Company

Dr. Sherry Kennedy-Reid joined The Boeing Company in June 2002. Prior to that, she worked for Astrium North America, the space division of EADS. Sherry became the first American employee of the (then) DASA (Deutsche Aerospace) office in Washington, DC in 1992. She had previously lived in Germany for six years, where she began working in the aerospace industry in Raytheon's PATRIOT Program Office. Sherry brings a wealth of international experience to her current position in Boeing. She lived abroad for nearly nine years and speaks German fluently, French passably, and Spanish and Italian only under duress. While living in Germany, Sherry completed her MBA in 1992 from the Overseas Program of Boston University. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Music, Piano Performance, from Point Loma College in San Diego, California in 1983.

In September 2005, Sherry received a Doctorate in Naturopathy from Trinity College of Natural Health. In February 2012, Sherry completed a doctorate from the George Washington University Executive Leadership Doctoral Program in Human and Organizational Learning. Her focal areas of expertise include transformative learning, strategic management of knowledge, and the application of complex systems theory to business and leadership. Sherry joined the Boeing IT International group in December 2008, where she leads a range of global program management initiatives, and authors a regular column in the IT International Times newsletter titled "Knowledge Bytes." She is also leading the Global Team Effectiveness initiative to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of teams that collaborate and coordinate across the globe.


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